The Illawarra Woodworkers Group is a non profit volunteer group located in the Illawarra region of New South Wales. This website is for anybody who is interested in woodworking for enjoyment as much as it is for the members and it contains a collection of past newsletters, an events calendar and general information on our craft.

Use the menu to the left to navigate around the site. The location of the workshop and directions to find us are shown on the Location page, we have details of the exhibitions and club events in the Events Calendar and a wide selection of useful Web Links for woodworkers.

As a non-profit volunteer group we support ourselves by selling woodcraft made by the members as shown on our Woodwork for Sale page. We will also make custom items for individuals on request if we have the resources and skills to complete the requested commission. If you need something a little unusual made please send us an email with as much detail as possible and photo's.

The Illawarra Woodworkers have for many years also made toys that are Donations to local charities to either use directly or in their own fund raising activities.


The workshop is re-opening for 2024 at both the usual Thursday and Saturday times from 8am to Midday.


The workshop times are a great opportunity to meet other members, talk about our woodwork and many other topics with morning tea being a good excuse to get together for a yarn.

Monthly meetings for 2024 will commence from February 10th and will be held at 9:00am on the Second Saturday of each month. Hope to see you all there.

Stay Safe and well.

Support from Shellharbour & Oak Flats Branch of Bendigo Bank


We have been very fortunate to receive support from the Shellharbour & Oak Flats Branch of the Bendigo Community Bank over the last couple of years in the form of a grant to cover our cost of our workshop consumables supplies. This generous support has allowed us to have on hand a ready supply of glue, nails, screws, sandpaper and a few bandsaw blades. This will help our workshop activities enormously.


This support is very much appreciated by the members and our sincere thanks go to all the staff at Bendigo Bank and in particular the staff at Shellharbour & Oak Flats.
